Housing Based Case Management

ASD’s Housing Based Case Management (HBCM) is unique and different from other case management services in Dallas as it is available to residents 24 hours on weekdays and weekends for emergency referrals, counseling, and crisis intervention. Because Case Managers (CM’s) are on-site, they maintain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the required level of care and needs of their clients. ASD’s Special Care Facility License from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facility Licensing and Certification Division assures that ASD meets a broad spectrum of possible residents needs. The agency’s HBCM staff consists of well-trained and highly skilled professionals. They are uniquely qualified, dedicated individuals who consistently deliver client-centered case management services to the residents of ASD.

Volunteer at AIDS Services of Dallas

A memorable and valuable experience

AIDS Services of Dallas provides its housing services without regard for race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or age to all applicants who are living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS and their family members.

AIDS Services of Dallas
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