Donate Toiletries & Supplies
We provide all new residents with essential toiletries and supplies. Help stock ASD’s supply closet by organizing a supply drive, attending a Spanke’s Toilet Paper Party, or donating online.
What is Spanke’s TP Party?
Spanke’s Toilet Paper Party is a Semi-Annual event held by community members to gather toiletries and money for AIDS Services Dallas and its residents. Started in 1991 in the tiny kitchen of John “Spanke” Studer (pictured right) with help from some special friends, it’s now in its 22nd year. Sadly Spanke was called home to “cook” for the Lord in 2011. His friends are now trying their best to continue what Spanke started!
The premise is simple; the hosts service food and drinks. You bring armloads of toiletries or donations and a few friends to eat, drink and enjoy!
Click here to follow Spanke’s Toilet Paper Party on Facebook to be notified of the latest Party!

Can’t make it out in person? No worries! Buy supplies via our Amazon Wish List and all purchases will be sent directly to us.
Can’t decide what to buy? We can take care of that for you! Make a monetary donation and we’ll purchase the toiletries needed.